Author: admin

Problem Solved Without Emacs

Obsidian. It’s exactly what I wanted. I own my data – I’m not renting a spot on a server to keep it. I can back it up, pay to keep it synchronized with other devices or synchronize it manually for free, if at all, whatever I choose. It’s really...

First step – get Emacs

Sooo. My goal is to be able to utilize this org-roam thing on two computers. Step 1 is obviously to install Emacs, but which Emacs? On Windows 10, you can choose to install Emacs on Windows, or you can choose to install a linux bash and install Emacs on...

From roamresearch to org-roam on Windows 10 – an odyssey

In April, 2020, I found and my life changed. This makes a journal usable and worth my time to bother doing. It’s really powerful. If you haven’t met it yet, check out this article: By the time April was over, I had purchased a Roam tutorial and...

Adventures in Sourdough – Brunkans Långa

I have been experimenting with sourdough. This one is entirely and completely my co-worker’s fault. He introduced me to Geek & Sundry, which is how I ended up watching Felicia Day make bread. She got her recipe from the Wild Yeast Blog. From there I went looking for Graham...

Introductory Post

I’ve decided to move back home (to My homepage was essentially a, “what do you think you’re doing here?” dead-end page from 2000-2013. I figure I might as well have local ownership of my content, since I’m most likely to post stuff I’d like to remember. Maybe I’ll...